Workforce Australia Services

Yilabara Solutions delivers Workforce Australia services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Illawarra South Coast region of NSW.

We work with communities, industries and businesses, connecting Aboriginal people to real job opportunities.

At Yilabara Solutions, we’ll work with you to find a job by exploring your strengths and consider your career options by setting goals linked to your aspirations. We’ll focus on activities that address your needs.

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What can we help you with?

Yilabara Solutions will help you access:

  • Work experience opportunities
  • Training to gain recognised skills and credentials, including digital skills
  • Support that can help you move into work, such as licences or other work-related items
  • Other government programs like Transition to Work, ParentsNext and Smart and Skilled training

We can also refer you to other services, including Self-Employment Assistance and Health and Wellbing support.

We’ll contact you to organise your first appointment with one of our Employment Consultants.

If you would like to talk with someonefrom the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, you can call Workforce Australia’s Transition Line on 1300 854 414.

All other job seekers can call the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260.

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