Aboriginal Cultural Capability Digital Badges

Yilabara Solutions is proud to offer a new and innovative approach to increasing the Aboriginal Cultural Capability and understanding of Australia’s workforce. In response to industry needs and feedback from Aboriginal people we have created an online Aboriginal Cultural Capability Digital Training Package that is personalised, delivered in real time, and facilitated by experienced Aboriginal trainers. Our Aboriginal Cultural Capability Digital Training Package Includes four unique badges:

Each Digital badge (credential) is underpinned by a training course which includes an assessment of competency to ensure transfer of learning. Individual courses can be completed at any time but to achieve the overarching Aboriginal Cultural Capability badge learners will be required to complete the three pre-requisite badges first.

What is a Digital Badge

A digital badge is a web-enabled version that confirms your successful completion of a course and that can be shared online via e-mail, social media, and on digital versions of your resume. A digital badge consists of an image and metadata that are uniquely linked to you. Together, they serve as a compelling digital showcase of your achievements.

A digital badge helps you gain recognition for significant professional development and enrich your professional reputation with employers and business leaders by allowing you to easily share your achievements.

Unlike paper certificates, digital badges allow you to easily demonstrate your competencies and achievements online including:

  • When you earned the badge and when it expires
  •  What key skills are associated with the badge
  •  What it takes to qualify for the badge

Digital badges protect the integrity of your credential by providing a link to verified data from Yilabara Solutions that cannot be falsified.

Benefits of a Digital Badge Individual

  • Allows you to build and showcase your professional brand
  • Shareable on any digital platform: social media, email signature, embedded in your resume, or on your website bio
  • Enables you to communicate the course content and knowledge you’ve acquired to others
  • An excellent way for employers, clients, and colleagues to verify your achievements.

Benefits of a Digital Badge Employer

  • Provides both a practical and accessible training and credentialling solution to demonstrate the Aboriginal cultural capability and understanding of your workforce
  • Provides your organisation with confidence that it is building a culturally safe working environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and stakeholders
  • Authenticated by Yilabara Solutions, a 100% Aboriginal owned subsidiary of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, the largest Aboriginal membership organisation in Australia
  • Enables organisations to demonstrate their compliance with Commonwealth and State Government requirements such as the Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy and Aboriginal Participation Plans

Aboriginal Cultural Capability Digital Badges

The Yilabara Solutions’ Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Badge recognises that the recipient has completed the 3-part intensive Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Course and passed the assessment of competency in Aboriginal Culture and History. The Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Badge key knowledge areas include History of First Nations People, Invasion-Early Colonial Project, Resistance and Activism, Government Policies, Self Determination and Management, Reconciliation, Closing the Gap and Truth Telling.

The Yilabara Solutions Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Badge recognises that the recipient has completed the 2-part intensive Cultural Safety Course and has passed the assessment of competency.  The Aboriginal Cultural Safety Badge key knowledge areas include understanding the term Cultural Safety, Language and Terminology, Creating Safe Work Environments, Diversity and Representation – Indigeneity and Communication Styles.

The Yilabara Solutions Aboriginal Engagement and Protocol Badge recognises that the recipient has completed the 2-part intensive Aboriginal Engagement and Protocol Course and has passed the assessment of competency. The Aboriginal Engagement and Protocol Badge key knowledge areas include Appropriate protocols for engagement with First Nations Communities, Demographic profiles; Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement to Country protocols, Commemorative Dates and Communication Tools.

The Yilabara Solutions Aboriginal Cultural Capability Badge recognises that the recipient has successfully completed the three pre-requisite learning badges including:

  1. Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Badge
  2. Aboriginal Cultural Safety Badge
  3. Aboriginal Engagement and Protocol Badge

and have demonstrated their knowledge of Aboriginal Culture, History and Protocols.