Success Story: Riley broadens his job search to set him up for success

August 24, 2022 Over the past few years, 22-year-old Riley Bailey found it hard to secure a job.  With family health issues and a lack of confidence, Riley’s search for employment hasn’t been easy.  That was until he met his Yilabara Solution’s Employment advisor.  Riley came to Yilabara Solutions through   Workforce Australia – an Australian Government program designed to …

Closing the Gap Roundtable highlights Aboriginal Leadership and Employment

August 18, 2022 Aboriginal NGO leaders, stakeholders and government decision-makers gathered at the Redfern community centre to exchange feedback and ideas on Closing the Gap priority reforms and targets.  The event included two robust panel discussions, a keynote address from the Co-Chair of the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations, Robert Skeen and was opened by Yvonne Weldon from the …