Julie’s Story – More Jobs More Care

30th June 2022 Success Stories

For 16 years, Julie Trindall was a full-time carer for her daughter. 

“Before I started my full time employment, I was a carer. I was stuck on Centrelink because of the caring role.” 

As a guest speaker at the Yilabara Solutions Networking Event, Julie told her story to a room full of Employment Service providers and community members. 

“I have a lot of lived experience caring for someone with a disability, but I never, ever had the certifiable recognition in that piece of paper or to sort of recognise the sort of work that I had done as a carer.” 

Julie met Yilabara Solutions Aboriginal Employment Mentors, Beverley Moreton and Josh Wilson, when completing her Certificate three through the More Jobs More Care program.

The program is designed to up-skill and introduce community members into the care sector. 

For Julie, the journey hasn’t been an easy one. She said, “I still get emotional talking about it because it was such a journey. Josh and Bev (Yilabara More Jobs More Care Mentors) have been awesome mentors while completing the Cert 3. The cultural safety was always there. If I felt like I was struggling or if I needed any help, they were always quick to respond. Building my confidence to put myself out there.” 

After completing the program, Julie found employment success and has now been employed full-time for the first time in 16 years.

“I’ve been employed for the first time in a long time. It’s been a really long journey, but a great journey.”

Julie’s success has not only seen her secure employment, but she’s also inspiring her family around her. “Actually, my mum is going to do it now. She’s not in the industry at all, but now wants to complete it.” 

If you, or you know someone who would like to enter into the Disability Care Sector, contact our More Jobs More Care team today  Beverley.Moreton@yilabara.org.au or Josh.Wilson@yilabara.org.au