
Yilabara's engagement model is a whole of community approach ensuring that all members in our community can succeed

Disability is an issue that affects our Aboriginal Communities but is rarely acknowledged or discussed

Aboriginal people are twice as likely as non-Aboriginal people to have a severe or profound disability. In 2018, 24% of Indigenous Australians were living with a disability and 8.8% had a severe or profound disability. At the same time, the NDIS was providing support to 40,842 Indigenous participants. Among Indigenous Australians of all ages living in private households, 24% (139,700 people) were living with disability and 8.8% (51,100) had severe or profound disability in 2018 (ABS 2021).

Download the Aboriginal NDIS Resource Folder

To support Aboriginal organisations increase their capacity to deliver NDIS supports to Aboriginal Communities Yilabara developed an Aboriginal NDIS Resource Folder.

The resource folder contains a range of templates, documents and resources that Aboriginal organisations will need to deliver NDIS services.

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