More Jobs More Care

Yilabara’s More Jobs More Care project was designed to increase the cultural capability of disability services

Phase Two Project

Yilabara was contracted by the Department of Communities and Justice to deliver More Jobs More Care Phase 2 across Western NSW.

The focus of this project was to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander NDIS participation plan utilisation by increasing the number of Aboriginal organisations delivering NDIS supports and improving the cultural capability of non-Indigenous NDIS providers in this region.

Yilabara’s More Jobs More Care project aimed to increase the capacity of culturally appropriate disability services by:

  • Working alongside Aboriginal organisations to increase their understanding of the NDIS sector and how this can be implemented across our Aboriginal Communities.
  • Supporting Aboriginal organisations to become NDIS providers through executive leadership training and business mentoring.
  • Supporting non-Aboriginal disability providers to increase their capacity to provide culturally appropriate services to their Aboriginal clients.
  • Supporting Aboriginal community members to undertake accredited training in individualised support to enable them to enter the disability support sector.

Over a period of 15 months Yilabara was able to achieve


Aboriginal participants successfully completed an accredited 4-week pre-employment course, attained a First Aid Certificate and obtained an NDIS/Working with Children Check


of all Aboriginal participants moved directly into employment

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